+39 080 880 6505



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About Us

We Provide Best Solution For Your Life

We are a tech company who believe in the power of artificial intelligence for social use. We are specialized in using AI to offer services and products that can improve people lives. Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer to accomplish tasks that required human intelligence. Technologies implemented by AI can offer not only customized assistence to the specific needs of the user but allows data collection for research goals. The well-being of each individual is at the center of our research action

Hero is certified company


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Softbank Partner Recognition

Our robots for treating autistic children have been selected by Softbank, world leader in the field of robotics. Hence, we received a recognition as Softbank Software Development Partner.

EU Seal of Excellence

In 2017 and 2019, we received the we received the Seal of Excellence, a quality label awarded by the European Commision. The Seal of Excellence certificate recognises the value of the proposal and helps other funding bodies take advantage of the high quality Commission evaluation process.

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ISO 9001 Certification

ISO 9001 defines the minimum requirements that an organization's Quality Management System must demonstrate to ensure the level of product and service quality. Thanks to our corporate structure between Martina Franca and Rome, we are able to carry out business processes in accordance with ISO 9001 regulation.


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Our Addresses

Via Gabriele D'Annunzio, 21 74015, Martina Franca, Italy

Via San Martino della Battaglia 2 00182, Rome, Italy

Our Phone

Telephone: +39 080 880 6505

Our Email

Main E-mail: info@herovision.it

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